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1 John Chapter 1 (Wed. Jan. 15, @6:30pm)

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 3:42 am
by admin
This week we will be studying the first chapter in 1 John. We will meet on Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm, (1/15/2020), for Bible study-- COME JOIN US!!!

Our study will make use of ten questions that we will focus on while reading each chapter. We will cover one chapter each week.
The ten questions that we will be considering are listed below. They are from Dr. Ironside’s Bible: Notes and Quotes from the Margins.

Group Bible Study
10 Questions on a chapter.


1. Principle subject?
2. Leading lessons?
3. Best verse?
4. Principle persons?
5. Teaching about Christ?


1. Example to follow?
2. Error to avoid?
3. Command to obey?
4. Promise to claim?
5. Prayer to be echoed?